Are you looking for information about townhomes that have
sold in Eagle Mountain Utah?
Paul Teasdale with Team Teasdale Realty would be happy to provide you
with a free market analysis on what your Eagle Mountain Townhome is worth in
today's market.
Below is a townhome that Team Teasdale Realty sold a few years ago.
Would you like a list of sold townhomes in Eagle Mountain? We can email you
a list of all the similar townhomes in Eagle Mountain that have sold.
Team Teasdale Realty can help you gather a list of comaprable
homes that have sold in Eagle Mountain
Utah. Here is a direct link to search available Eagle
Mountain homes for sale:
Eagle Mountain
Townhomes or you can call us directly and
we will do a search for you and start showing you some bank repos.
Here is the current data of
Eagle Mountain Townhomes SOLD